prayer request

If you have a prayer request or a testimony you would like to share with the Bridge Community Church, please fill out the form below.

prayer request

People you can be praying for as a church family


Prayer Confidential


Ongoing prayer requests- Please pray I, Kelly, have enough normal energy and I sleep 7-8 hours with no need for a nap daily, and that's enough rest for me and I am not tired during the day. That I can function well on that amount of sleep- talking, writing, and remembering things. Please pray my memory improves and I have wisdom and have smarts. Pray my allergies do not make me tired and sick. That I do not have itchy, irritated eyes due to allergies. I get allergy shots and hope I do not get depressed and tired from them. Please pray I do not get depressed, have normal good mood consistently and not have mania; no manic and depressive episodes. Pray I have no more psychotic episodes. Pray I do not get exhausted and depressed right before and during my periods. Pray that I enjoy my hobbies and that depression doesn’t interfere with doing my hobbies. Pray I enjoy reading, writing, crocheting, exercising, doing suduko, and playing the recorder. Please pray I play the recorder wind instrument better and play the low C note and other notes well and on tempo without pausing before playing the low C notes. Pray I can play on tempo correctly. Pray I can play “Jesus Loves Me” with the recorder also correctly. Pray I do not develop pre-diabetes fasting blood glucose levels and no type two diabetes. Pray my pancreas works well and secretes normal amounts of insulin and glucagon. Pray that turmeric and cinnamon supplements help keep my blood sugar levels in the average normal range of 75-80 fasting glucose measurement. Pray my eyes do not focus upward uncontrollably at all times as a result of my psychiatric pills. Pray I have motivation to do tasks such as cleaning and cooking, enjoy my job more so, and am in normal good mood consistently. Pray I enjoy working at my part time job and enjoy homeschooling my son. Pray that I enjoy and like learning a foreign language with my son. Pray I can remember foreign language phrases and vocabulary better. Pray I do not hear negative voices or thoughts and don't picture in my mind the snake image. Pray I do not have any tactile hallucinations too. Pray I do not have chest pains and or cramps or pain in my private areas from nervous system issues or caused by tactile hallucinations. Tactile hallucinations are really annoying and painful. Please pray that the tactile hallucinations completely stop at all times. Please pray my husband gets healthier and lives until he's in his 80s in age, being able to walk, talk well, etc. Pray my husband’s heart beats normally at all times; he has no clot(s), no heart attack, no chest pain, and no stroke and no wrist pain too. Pray my husband is not depressed and that he loses weight and gets down to 180 lbs in a healthy way, naturally. Pray my husband is willing to start to take supplements for his heart and or cardiovascular health. Pray over my husband’s hyperprolactinemia condition and his med works at combating this health problem. Pray the new med does not interfere with my husband’s driving and he’s alert and sleeps better at nighttime. That he isn’t tired during the day from poor sleep. Pray my husband gets good quality restful sleep and does not snore. Pray all three of us are happy. Please pray I have no bone or joint or muscle problems and can move without pain and not have osteopenia and or no osteoporosis or arthritis. Pray I do not have to have knee, ankle, foot and or hip surgeries. Pray my husband has no knee or hip problems that require surgery too. Pray that my husband, son and I do not need invasive surgeries at all during our lifetimes. Pray my husband, son, and I do not have cancer and all three of us are in good health. Pray the three of us do not get shingles and don’t get small monkey pox. Pray we don’t get RSV. Pray I do not have glaucoma, no macular degeneration, no eye health problems. Pray my dry eye condition is healed all the way. Pray my eye vision does not worsen and I do not have a severe bifocal vision prescription. Pray I do not need cataract surgery too. And my husband does not need cataract surgery also. Pray my hair does not thin out more but thickens on my head more so and my hair does not fall out. Pray I am more flexible and it doesn’t hurt to do my stretches (especially that my left leg does not hurt being stretched). That I don’t hurt my back or have leg cramps. That I stretch consistently and enjoy stretching to prevent injury or pain. Pray I enjoy my self-care routine and take better care of myself. Pray my son writes better and does not have writer's block. Pray he can write research papers and or academic papers on time and does well writing them. Pray my son gets all of his schoolwork done on time too. Pray my son does not have mental illness at all. Pray that my husband is happy, has no migraines, and exercises and prioritizes his health. Pray my husband and I do not have colon or colorectal problems of diverticulitis and or polyps, etc. Pray my husband and I do not strain or hurt our wrists. Pray that my nodule on my thyroid shrinks and goes away and does not become cancerous; and no abnormal skin tissues and no abnormal moles for my husband, son and I. Pray my goiter goes away too. Pray my teeth do not flatten more so and my gums are healthy. Pray my husband and I have a good relationship that improves. Pray for my younger brother's heart health, too. Pray my mom’s health improves and mother in law gets well and does not feel sick. Pray my sister in law and youngest sister and her husband and kids believe in Jesus as their Savior. Pray I become a better conversationalist and remember things better to talk about in a social setting. Pray my husband, son and I do not develop dementia or alzheimer’s. Pray my son’s chest develops normally and he has no abnormality. Thanks for reading and praying the above prayer requests for all of us.


Pray that any strongholds or lies the devil has told my mom to be broken. Let her hear the voice of God and a strangers voice she will not follow. Break the lies of homosexuality, abortion and transgender over her in the name of Jesus. She believes the bible to have this wrong even though she is a Christian. Let the truth set her free. Thank you and God bless


Please pray the following for you, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook: While our bodies are alive, let us receive the words that proceed out of the mouth of the one true God; let us store His commands inside us and keep them until the end of time. Please send out the angels from God Himself and take away all the wicked who deceive us. Allow us to see for ourselves what all of this has accomplished. “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭20‬ ‭


Please pray for my husband Paul, he is in bondage and has left me for another woman. Please pray that the Lord would remove all of his desires for the other woman and that he would repent and come back to Jesus and our marriage